Deacons are the faithful servants of God who lead in specific ministries. In the Bible, the word "deacon" literally means "servant." Although all Christians strive to serve others in the same manner as Jesus served us (Mark 10:45; Philippians 2:5-7), the deacon's role is to provide faithful service so as to free up the pastors to preach, teach, and pray (Acts 6:2–4.)
Deaconry qualifications are nearly identical to pastoral qualifications, except that a deacon is not required to be "able to teach" (I Timothy 3:2) or "to correct those who contradict it" (Titus 1:9). A pastor's role is to teach and protect, while a deacon's role is to serve and manage. The apostle Paul defines the qualifications for deacons in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
For more information, check out our sermon on Deacons from our Elders & Deacons series.
Dave Campbell
Deacon of Music and Technology
Dave is responsible for leading and administrating our Music Ministry and Tech teams at both our Abingdon and White Marsh campuses.
Learn more about Dave
Chuck Novak
Deacon of Sunday Morning Teams
Chuck is responsible for leading and administrating our Children's Ministry, Greeting, Hospitality, and Security teams at our White Marsh campus.
Learn more about Chuck
George Ranneberger
Deacon of Sunday Morning Teams
George is responsible for leading and administrating our Children's Ministry, Greeting, Hospitality, and Security teams at our Abingdon campus.
Learn more about George