Do I need to log in to make a one-time contribution? One-time gifts may be made without the creation of an account.
Can I schedule recurring contributions? Absolutely! Our online giving page has multiple options for recurring payment contributions. Recurring donations help us to plan-ahead for the work of the ministry and are greatly appreciated!
Are there fees for making an online donation? Yes, the church pays a small percentage fee to the processing company for every online donation. There is an option on the donation page where you can volunteer to cover the fee for us. This is a great way to make your donation go further for the ministry.
Why would I “add bank account” rather than using a credit card for my donation? Remember those fees that we pay to the processor for online donations? By choosing to “add bank account” when making your recurring giving, your donation comes directly from your bank to ours rather than through the credit card company. It is safe, secure, and significantly reduces the fees we pay. This is our preferred manner of receiving donations.
How do I change, increase, or cancel my recurring donation? When you establish a recurring donation through our website, you will establish an account with us. When you login to the account through the donation page, you may use the menu to edit your recurring donation or the payment method.
Will I be able to see a history of my online giving? Yes, if you have established an account through the giving page you can use the menu to view your donation history.
Will I receive a receipt for my donation? Yes, if you include your email address when donating, you will receive an immediate receipt through email. Also, if you have established an account for your donation, you will receive an end-of-year statement in January for tax filing purposes.
Are my contributions tax-deductible? Yes! We are a 501(c)3 organization, and all contributions are tax-deductible. After completing an online transaction, a receipt of your donation will be sent via email, which you may save for tax purposes. An end-of-year giving statement is also provided each via email.
Can I donate non-cash goods? Yes, you may donate non-cash items with prior approval of the church leadership. When an individual contributes goods, a letter may be sent to them stating that they donated said items and received no goods or services in return. The church cannot value said items, and no contribution credit in addition to the letter will be given. The contributor himself may value said items on his tax return and treat them as tax deductible if desired.
Can I give stock? Stocks are often a befitting way to give. Appreciated stock donations can have the current value of the stock deducted without paying any capital gains tax. Stocks also qualify as charitable contributions. Contact the church office for more information about this.
Can I give a designated contribution? Sovereign Grace Church may accept designated contributions provided they are consistent with the Church's mission and spiritual priorities, budget process and fiscal restrictions, full ownership and control of the funds or assets, and tax-exempt purposes. If donor-designated contributions are accepted for special funds or purposes, such designations generally will be honored. However, Sovereign Grace Church reserves all control of such contributions and full discretion as to the ultimate expenditure or distribution.